Our vision

Our vision is clear: we want to trigger a reading movement in Germany. Why? Because reading is the most important basic skill that opens the door to education for every child. Every child deserves the same chance of a good educational career, regardless of their background or social status.

Our team

We are a group of dedicated and experienced individuals working together to achieve great results. Each of us brings different skills and perspectives that help us move forward as a team. The whole commitment is always with a focus on providing a solution for all children.

Leseförderung, Spende, Sponsor, Leseförderung schenken, Laptop spenden, Tablet, iPad spenden, Fördermitglied, Geld geben, Gutes tun

Denis Demir is the Managing Director of Leseallianz and is responsible for the company's operations and finances. He orchestrates the interactions between young readers and their mentors and ensures the seamless coordination of operational processes. He pays particular attention to technical aspects in order to create an optimal working environment. His passion and commitment are based on the profound conviction that it is our social obligation to support the younger generation. For Denis, reading is the key to education, personal development and success in life. Through his work at the Reading Alliance, he enables young people to realize their full potential and build a better future for themselves. design.

Simone Fillies gained her professional experience in the national and international hotel and media industry as well as in independent personnel consulting and recruitment. As an experienced sales and account management professional, a networker from the very beginning, she created connections to people and companies and jointly developed communication concepts with sales solutions.

She is now paying particular attention to CHILDREN - following Nelson Mandela's credo "Our children are our greatest treasure - they are our future" - and their READING COMPETENCE. 

As a reading mentor for a reading child at the LeseAllianz foundation, Simone Fillies is now taking on voluntary responsibility for sales, communication, partnership management and fundraising. Simone Fillies is convinced that promoting a willingness and ability to read at an early age lays the foundations for language, integration, inclusion, dialog and ultimately self-promotion. She sees reading and language as "CULTURAL + SOCIAL CAPITAL".