Reading app information

What makes our reading app stand out

  • Secure video connection between reading mentor and child.
  • Reading material from top publishers.
  • Earn reading points.
  • Read and play together and alone.
  • Evaluation of reading behavior.
  • DSGVO compliant.
  • All data on German servers.

Technical requirements

  • PC/laptop (Mac or Windows) with webcam and Google Chrome browser.
  • Apple iPad or an Android tablet (Android 9.0 or higher).
  • Stable internet line with at least 10 Mbit/s.
  • Does NOT work on smartphones (screen too small).
  • Important: Access data can only be obtained by registering via LeseAllianz.

The process at a glance

  • During reading time, the child and the reading mentor meet via the app through a video connection and choose a book to read together.
  • The text to be read is visible to both at the same time.
  • The child reads aloud, the reading mentor reads along, listens and supports the child.
  • Parallel to the reading progress, the child collects reading points and a small avatar develops (e.g. a butterfly). This way, the child always sees how much he or she has already read.
  • After reading together, there is still time for a game and conversation.
  • We recommend a tablet or PC for participation; the screen is too small for a smartphone. If no device is available, a loaner device can be provided in individual cases.